Dr. Krista, who is in the health professional niche, used the One-Day Summit formula to launch a premium One-Day Summit called “Neuro Fundamentals”.  She created this summit in 30 days and premiered it to her audience and in less than 30 days generated more than $40,000 in revenue and took that same audience into her Flag Ship program producing more than Six Figures in overall revenue

Dr. Krista Burns

Majeed Is in the speaker training space and used the One-Day Summit formula to consistently bring in new qualified leads into his $10,000 program.  He’s generated over six figures in revenue using this on going strategy to build his influence and authority.

Majeed Mogharreban

Dan has an agency who decided to start running One-Day Summits for his clients.  After going through this program he was able to help a client in the “Poker” niche generate 4,000 leads and over $50,000 from a single One-Day Summit.

Dan Russell

Christina has used our One-Day Summit formula for multiple summits.  She built a database of qualified leads for her flagship business development program.  She’s also used the One-Day Summit formula to generate over $100,000 for a charity.

Christina Jandali

Dr. Greg went from no online business to hosting a single One-Day Summit that over the course of a year brought him in over a million dollars in revenue using the Ever-Summit Strategy.  He immediately had a successful online business that he’s since used it to help clients all over the world.

Dr. Greg Eckel

Chris the founder of Podfest used the One-Day Summit to his audience getting amazing feedback from his attendees.  He’s since went on to host multiple additional virtual events, including setting a Guinness book of world records for most participants across the world at one time.

Chris Krimitsos

Kevin kicked off his online business with a Summit.  He more than doubled his list and generated well over $15,000 from one single virtual summit.  Kevin has since run more than 6 different Virtual Summits continuing to grow his audience and revenue. 

Kevin Christie

After going through the One-Day Summit Formula program Steve was able to generate over 2,000 leads and more than $10,000 in revenue before even creating an online program to sell.  He’s continued to run his “Summit Series” further increasing his authority in the author niche.

Steve Stein

Aweber has run several successful One-Day Summits.  Their Podcast One-Day Summit was used to fill an in person conference they were speaking at helping them enter into a new market using their One-Day Summit.


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